Yea you aren't going to get a legitimate BBQ experience here. You will however get a legitimate Snowball experience, if you like that sort of thing which I do not. As I walked into the 10x10 room I asked the lady behind the counter (who was behind a bullet proof glass window) for 1/2 a slab of ribs. Ribs seemed to be the only BBQ they had. She walked out of the back door and didn't return until 10 minutes later. Turns out, people that actually order the BBQ from Fire House get the BBQ from the the restaurant next door. I assume that they are owned and operated by the same people/person.
This is what I got:
These ribs fell right off the bone. They had that soggy texture with no flavor and no smoke. I spent hours trying to dig these ribs out of the sauce, I couldn't find them. Classic case of OBBBQ (Oven-Baked BBQ). You want a lecture about using an oven when it comes to BBQ, go down the road to Donaldsonville and talk to J.B. (at the 44 second mark)-
Below are some pictures of the menus from this establishment:
Fire house BBQ will be receiving a generous score of 0.5 out of 5.